Sunday, August 22, 2010

Name the PT Cruiser!

I have been bugging Dad for a while now to name the car. I always name mine! He said the only way he'll go along with it is if I A) get name suggestions and B) the public votes! So I need some help people.

Leave a comment here! I'm currently thinking Patty the PT Cruiser. Help a girl out!!!

It's a beautiful Idaho morning!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Yes you should name the car. I have zero suggestions but it will make the road trip fun! :)

  2. I think maybeeeee.....Randy Cruzer.... LOL
    just kidding :0)

  3. I always name my cars after Patsy Cline songs - Patsy is always a great name for a car! :-)

  4. Well if I had a PT Cruiser, I'd name it Cruz (sounds like cruise)! But that's a guy's name and I'm not sure if you are looking for a guy or girl name lol : )

  5. I'm thinking Swagger Wagon isn't appropriate.

  6. Why are most people suggesting girl names for the car? Not very manly....

  7. My nephew calls my parent's PT "the PT Hoosier" - so I vote for Hoosier.

  8. If you insist on a girl should be Dell. That was Grandma Rose's middle name :0)

  9. is it a boy or a girl?

    girl: Penelope/Penny Tatum

    or Penelope Cruiser (hehehe, Penelope Cruz)
    boy: Paul Tyler
    P. Tom Cruiser?

    I think I need to see it...

  10. Vicki- there's a pic in the first post on the blog... It's a silver PT Cruiser. I think it's a girl, but we're taking all manner of names!

  11. I still like The Silver Fox... I don't think a PT Cruiser looks like a girl. I think it looks like maybe Elmer Fudd, or Ernest.

  12. You should name it something to commemorate your trip. And since it's silver, you could call it Smoque. Of course, Old Faithful would work, too. ;-)

  13. Peter the PT cruiser (if it's a boy) or Pamela the PT cruiser

  14. I'm also going to suggest Dagny. I think Dad will like that one.

  15. Oops, think I was supposed to comment here. I voted Paddy Wagon! ;)
