Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 1 - Seattle, WA or "And they're off!"

It begins.

I just got back from the kick off breakfast. Rebecca and Dad are probably on I-90 right about now barreling east towards Coeur D'Alene, ID. We had a bit of a rocky start but it all worked out in the end.

The plan was to meet at Voula's down on Lake Union to start off the trip with one of the "Diners, Drive-in's and Dives". Now I'd mentioned that every time I've tried to go to Voula's its been closed. So Dad double checked the hours online and it said they'd be open. However when we arrived they were very much closed. Something about a tailgating special. I didn't really understand, but had a smug sense of "I told you so" about it.

So instead we cruised up to Wallingford to Julia's. Great place. They have good food and a pleasant atmosphere. In the end I think everyone was very pleased with the selection. Dad had a Denver omelet, Sharon had French toast, Rebecca a pancake with blueberries and I went for the biscuits and gravy. Mmmmm gravy.

It got a little strange when Rebecca requested some peanut butter and they brought her about a cup and half dish of it. She then smothered her pancake in it and topped it off with some strawberry jam. I've never been one for PB&J but it made her very happy.

After eating I tossed my giant bag in the car, so I don't have to check any luggage, and they took off. As I'm writing this I'm realizing it's not terrible interesting. Hopefully future posts will be more so. Or maybe they won't be. We'll just have to wait and see.

Oh yeah! There are pictures to go with all of this but they're on Rebecca's camera. They're going to add their own take on this and some photos when they get to Idaho. Check back for updates.


  1. Adam I think you might get strip searched at the airport. You will be fitting the profile they are looking for, one way ticket to Washington DC and no bag......

  2. Don't worry about me. I have my ways of dealing with the authorities. "What?! I just wanna see Palin!!!"
