Monday, August 23, 2010

Day Three - Cody, WY to Worthington, MN

Um yeah, we're in Minnesota. No, that wasn't on the plan, but whatever! Plan schman. When talking about our possible routes/stopping places east of Mt. Rushmore, I gave Dad several options through SD, through Iowa and randomly through Minnesota/Wisconsin. Dad asked real serious like, "Is there a route that takes us through Madison, WI?" I said, "Yeah Dad, I-90. ;)" He didn't realize that if we keep to I-90 (instead of dropping down to I-80 through Iowa) that we'd go right through Madison. What I didn't know (or remember) is that Spring Green (outside of Madison) is the home of Frank Lloyd Wright. So we drove as far as we could reasonably manage tonight and made it to Worthington, MN. We made it almost 900 miles today. Woot woot! We're speedy. Tomorrow we'll be up early and on the road to WI, hoping to check out a 2 hour tour of FLW's home. Keep you posted!

Hopefully in the near future I'll get some images up from Bighorn National Forest, Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse Mountain. The mountain sculptures are pretty cool, but we both agreed that today's real treat was the forest! It was breathtaking. So glad our path included it!


  1. I can't wait to see the pictures from your drive today. Mt. Rushmore is one of the places I want to see someday.... I want to see it through your eyes Rebecca!

  2. Glad to hear that you were able to stop at Mount Rusmore - hope you enjoyed the scenery in South Dakota!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Katlyn Richter
    South Dakota Office of Tourism

  3. A few pictures are up in the flickr album... I'll get some here when I can. Maybe tomorrow. The wifi in our Chicago hotel SUCKS.

    Brother, I love you and sincerely hope you don't have a day like this on your side. In fact, because of how little sleep I got, you can bet that I won't be as obnoxious to you on Saturday evening as I might normally be. 4.5 hours of sleep sucks.

    Katlyn - Thanks so much for stopping by! We enjoyed several parts of SD immensely!
